If you are looking for two extremely adorable folks, two lovie dovies, you have come to the right blog. Megan and James are absolutely elated while they are around each other. There were just too many nose crinkles and bursts of laughter to handle. Who am I kidding?! There can never be too many of those! Their ceremony was held in a
gorgeous Methodist church in Junction City. Stained-glass windows surrounded the entire sanctuary, lighting it up with rays of majesty. Think "sunset" but inside. Megan embellished the sanctuary with peacock feathers and candles, while James embellished the reception with sweets galore (cake balls, chocolate covered strawberries,
his own two-tiered chocolate cake, chocolate covered pretzels, ....oye I can feel my stomach ache returning) and on all counts it was so, so wonderful.
I now have a renewed love for stained-glass, cake balls and bubbles.
Now take a look at yourselves or your friends or at people you have not and will never meet.