Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions | 2013 | Rose Wheat Photography

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Mock as much as you wish, but it's a fact that if you don't know where you're going, you will never know when you get there. Here are some places I would like to go this year, some things I would like to do. They might build my character, fill my passport, or shorten my bucket list, but they're something to work towards... regardless.

Where are you going this year? What will you like to do? Maybe you want to eat sushi for the first time or take sky-diving lessons... maybe you want to get married. You might find out you want to do things that you had never admitted to yourself before, all because you had taken the time to think about it. Post your favorite resolutions in the comment section or over on my Facebook page. Share them and inspire others to "resolve" their future accomplishments.

And oh yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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