This family may or may not go down in history as my most photographed faces. They're just a sugar-sweet bunch, to the extent that I'm pretty sure they have claimed me as an honorary family member. Nothings official, but I'm pretty sure this is a common law adoption. You'd have to be pretty sweet to do that right?
This session, though quite chilly, was so happy and fun I would shoot it every. day. No kidding. Smiles were abounding and giggles were a-sailing through the air, as the sun swallowed us all whole (in a tickly sort of way).
Give the Andersons (and Bowkers) a warm Rose Wheat Photography welcome!
Baby Liam looks like Baby Steve Jobs! Gonna invent something amazing, eh Liam?!?! These are really wonderful. I love how you captured everyone's personality so well. Really beautiful.